The support provided by each of our social enterprises is unique, both in what they offer to people who use the service and in what they offer to their local community.

Each enterprise is designed with the needs and desires of the community in mind and models are flexible to allow services to respond to changing local landscapes.

Some of the examples listed below are social enterprises in the traditional sense, selling products and services with profits reinvested into the service or the wider organisation; others defy neat classification, but provide unique social value to their communities.


A not-for-profit coffee shop and events space in Birmingham making a positive difference to the lives of vulnerable young people by providing paid employment and training opportunities. Locations in Digbeth and Edgbaston.

Visit our Evolve service page

Sparky’s Café Blackpool

Sparky’s Café serves the Blackpool community from the Harbour NHS Hospital as a café and community hub, providing employment and volunteering opportunities for people living with mental ill health.

Visit the Sparky’s Café Blackpool service page

The Old Moat

A garden centre and café in Epsom, providing a range of employment and volunteering opportunities for people living with mental health and providing horticulture services to the public in beautiful surroundings.

Visit The Old Moat's service page

Art Matters

A community-based art studio in Redhill supporting adults with a recognised mental health diagnosis and interest in exploring creative opportunities.

Visit the Art Matter service page


The Grow Project gives young people affected by substance use a place to connect with nature, become active outside and develop practical skills. 

Visit The Grow Project's service page

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