Our Board
The purpose of our Board is to lead, support and oversee activities of the Group so that our collective mission and objectives can be achieved.
Meet our BoardSamaritans provides 24 hour telephone and online emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope or at risk of suicide.
If you are at serious risk of harm or immediate danger to life, call 999.
SANEline is a national out-of-hours mental health helpline offering specialist emotional support from 16:30-22:30, 365 days a year.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience of alcohol addiction.
Refuge provides telephone support for women experiencing domestic violence or abuse.
The Men's Advice Line provides support for men experiencing domestic violence or abuse.
GamCare is the leading national provider of support, information and advice for anyone affected by problem gambling.
FRANK is a national drug education service which provides advice to children and young people on the potential effects of drugs. Talk to Frank.
The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is a movement against male suicide, the biggest killer of men under 45.
As a group of charities, the way we’re run reflects both the diversity of our partner charities and our joint ethos of inspiring recovery together.
Our Group Board and Group Leadership Team have wide-ranging backgrounds including working in frontline NHS and care services, having lived experience of our causes, and careers in the public, private and charitable sectors.
To ensure we continue putting the people we support at the heart of everything we do, the Board has a Working Together Committee that is a key part of our governance. It makes sure that co-production is embedded at all levels of our organisation and that individuals using our services have the opportunity to shape and influence our work.
The purpose of our Board is to lead, support and oversee activities of the Group so that our collective mission and objectives can be achieved.
Meet our BoardOur Group Leadership Team bring together a wealth of experience working within the not for profit and public sector.
Meet the teamAn important part of our commitment includes working hard to achieve high accreditation ratings in different areas of our business.
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