Our Working Together Committee is just one of the ways that people using our services can get involved nationally in the running of the Recovery Focus Group.

The committee was created to ensure that we achieve co-production across all levels of our organisation.

It is made up of people who are currently using our services or who have with lived experience of mental ill health, substance abuse or domestic violence, with nominees from the Group Leadership Team in attendance. The committee meets four times a year, and the meetings are chaired by one of our Non-Executive Directors of the Group Board.

The purpose of the committee is to ensure that our key objectives outlined in our Working Together Strategy are being delivered, and all decisions the committee make are fed back to our Group Board. The committee also looks at the year ahead to plan future actions and work alongside the Communications and Marketing team to share what is happening with the wider organisation.

All of the people we support have the opportunity to join our Working Together Committee. Additionally, there are opportunities available for individuals using our services and volunteers with lived experience to be supported to attend our Group Board meetings to observe proceedings and ask questions.

National Working Together Forum

Our National Working Together Forum takes place twice a year, where people using our services across the country come together to share their stories, listen to speakers from within and outside the organisation and take part in interactive workshops.

All of our Working Together Forums are co-produced by a Working Together Planning Group, made up of people using services and a few members of Recovery Focus staff. This gives individuals involved in the group the opportunity to make key decisions about the Forum, including the theme for the day, the interactive workshops and external speakers.

How we're run

How we're run

The purpose of our Board is to lead, direct, and monitor activities of the group partners.

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Volunteer with us

Volunteer with us

If you’re a member of the public or someone who is using or has used our services and you want to give your time to help others, our partners have opportunities for you.

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Fancy fundraising for one of our partners? Click here to find out how

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